Bishops at the opening service of the Spring Plenary Assembly of the German Bishops' Conference (DBK) in the Cathedral Sanctissimae Trinitatis in Dresden
Picture: © KNA/Dominik Wolf
Heße: "Fiducia Supplicans" is "a Christmas present"

Bishops welcome Vatican declaration on the blessing of homosexual couples

Bonn - The "Fiducia Supplicans" declaration has surprised many people and also church representatives in Germany. Same-sex couples can now be officially blessed by the church. The German bishops have welcomed the document – and emphasised its limitations.

Published  on 18.12.2023 at 17:49  – 

The bishops and church representatives in Germany have welcomed the Vatican's authorisation for the blessing of homosexual couples. "The practice of the Church recognises a variety of forms of blessing. It is good that this treasure for the diversity of lifestyles is now being unearthed," emphasised the Chairman of the German Bishops' Conference (DBK), Bishop Georg Bätzing, in a press release. The Dicastery of Faith emphasises the clear distinction from the sacramental blessing in the context of a church wedding. "On the other hand, however, the text emphasises the pastoral significance of a blessing that may not be denied in response to a personal request." The declaration draws a "clear line between unwavering fidelity to the teachings of the Church and the pastoral requirements of an ecclesial practice that wishes to be close to people". It describes a pastoral scope of action "that clarifies responsible church practice".

"Asking for a blessing is a humble gesture towards God in which people express that they entrust themselves to God's goodness," explained Bätzing. In the blessing, the love of God is promised as a strengthening on the path of life. "The declaration states that the same moral conditions that are required for the reception of the sacraments need not and cannot be demanded for the giving of a simple blessing."

On Monday, the Vatican Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith published the declaration "Fiducia supplicans" (imploring trust) in several languages. In it, clergy are granted the opportunity to bless unmarried and homosexual couples. However, any confusion with a church marriage must be ruled out. Furthermore, the blessing may not be given as part of a church service. The declaration bears the signature of Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez, Prefect of the Faith, and has been expressly authorised by Pope Francis.

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The Archbishop of Hamburg, Stefan Heße, also welcomed the Vatican declaration. "It is an expression of respect for the reality of life and the life choices of people who want to be there for each other. And it gives us the opportunity to bless without demanding anything," said Mr Heße in a statement on Monday in Hamburg. The declaration was a "real Christmas present" for him.

Bishop Heinrich Timmerevers of Dresden also expressed his delight at the Vatican declaration. He sees the text as an encouragement to continue promoting pastoral care for queer people in the spirit of Pope Francis, Timmerevers told the Catholic News Agency (KNA). The policy statement attempts a "pastoral balancing act that on the one hand does not neglect the doctrine of Christian marriage and on the other hand emphasises the value of people's relationships, even in same-sex relationships", said Timmerevers. The text realistically recognises that people are in need of blessing. "Blessing - in short, giving thanks and asking - is no longer conditioned by whether someone fulfils all moral ideals equally."

"Now, finally, affection through blessing is allowed - thank God!"

The President of the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK), Irme Stetter-Karp, said she was "happy and surprised at the same time" at the news from Rome. "The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is doing something that we can only welcome," she said according to the press release. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith takes blessing seriously and frees the decision in favour of blessing from a sacramental superstructure. "Now, finally, attention can be given through blessing - thank God!" said the ZdK President. She recalled the great commitment of the Synodal Path to the blessing of couples who love each other, as well as pastors who had already performed such ceremonies in the past. "It is clear that theological honesty and a sense of faith are important milestones on the path to change in the Church. Mere obedience to prohibitions is not Catholic," said Stetter-Karp. She reminded the audience that the Discipline of the Faith had still banned the blessing of same-sex couples in 2021. "Being Catholic in these times means expecting change."

The Federal Chairman of the Federation of German Catholic Youth (BDKJ), Gregor Podschun, also said he was surprised and delighted by the statement. "I couldn't believe the news from Rome at first, it's a step in the right direction that was long overdue," said Podschun according to the press release. However, the declaration can only be a first step, as blessings must also be made possible within the church service. "The text from Rome also continues to contain an attitude and theology that is discriminatory and anti-queer," criticised the BDKJ Federal Chairman. He now also sees the German bishops as having a duty. "The bishops, who, with reference to Rome, did not want to implement the decision of the Synodal Path on the subject of blessings, now have no reason to wait any longer. We expect that blessings will now be made possible in all dioceses." (cbr)