Canonisation on Sunday in the Vatican

Pope Francis: New saint is a model for Argentina

Vatican City - Argentina, the Pope's home country, is reeling from a serious crisis. At this very moment, Francis canonises an Argentinian woman. He combines the religious act with a message to his countrymen.

Published  on 09.02.2024 at 15:36  – 

Pope Francis has taken the canonisation of an Argentinian woman planned for Sunday as an opportunity to encourage his countrymen in their serious crisis. On Friday, he received a group of pilgrims from his home country, including numerous priests and bishops. He recommended the future saint Maria Antonia di San Jose de Paz y Figueroa (1730-1799) to them as a role model. The charity of the woman, who is venerated in Argentina as "Mama Antula", had been aimed above all at those who were particularly needy.

This makes her a role model "in a society that is in danger of forgetting that radical individualism is the most difficult virus to defeat." This virus is deceptive, the Pope warned, because it makes people believe that it is all about giving free rein to their own ambitions.

In the future saint, on the other hand, we would encounter "an example and an inspiration that revitalises the option for the poorest". Her example should help Argentinians to be "a sign of fraternal love". The canonisation of "Mama Antula" is "a gift for the Argentinian people, but also for the entire Church", the Pope explained. The canonisation of the Argentinian itinerant preacher is planned for Sunday morning in the Vatican. On this occasion, the new Argentinian President Javier Milei also wants to meet Pope Francis and invite him once again to travel to his crisis-ridden homeland. (KNA)