Catholics in Germany hope for reforms in the Church
Bonn - The Synod on Synodality proclaimed by Pope Francis wants to change the way the Catholic Church works together. Some Catholics in Germany have very specific expectations, as a report by the Bishops' Conference shows.
Published on 22.05.2024 at 12:41 –Catholics in Germany are focussing on changes in church life. They are convinced "with great unanimity" that "the Church needs a process of reform and renewal in order to fulfil its mission", according to a report published by the German Bishops' Conference (DBK) on Wednesday. The ten-page document summarises the papers from the German dioceses with a view to the Synod on Synodality initiated by Pope Francis.
Specifically, the German Catholics are in favour of more participation within the church, a stronger role for women and changes to the church's sexual doctrine, among other things. This largely coincides with the topics discussed in the Synodal Path of the Catholic Church in Germany, which began in 2019. The paper states: "It is clearly noticeable that both the deliberations and resolutions of the Synodal Path of the Church in Germany and the Synodal Path of the Universal Church have triggered an impulse in all local churches." At the same time, greater freedom vis-à-vis the Vatican is desired. The paper from the Bishops' Conference quotes a statement from the diocese of Mainz: "Despite numerous pastoral issues identified worldwide during the synod, greater decision-making authority for the respective local churches would be helpful."
The Austrian Bishops' Conference had already published its summary last week. According to this, the mood among Catholics in the neighbouring country is similar. The country reports are to be included in the second and final plenary assembly of the Synod of Bishops in the Vatican in October. (KNA)
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