Religious women have two days to leave the convent

Schismatic Poor Clares and their bishop expel delegation

Belorado - The papal representative appointed by the Holy See, Archbishop Mario Iceta, and his delegation sought dialogue with the apostate nuns and their bishop. However, their reception was anything but friendly.

Published  on 07.06.2024 at 10:49  – 

The schismatic Poor Clares and their excommunicated bishop Pablo de Rojas still do not want to leave the convent in Belorado. The papal representative Archbishop Mario Iceta (photo above, 2nd from right) and his delegation came to the monastery on Thursday afternoon to open a possible dialogue with the nuns and to inform them about the next steps, according to media reports. According to the archdiocese of Burgos, however, the former abbess is said to have told the delegation that - with the exception of the notary - "the others are 'not welcome' in the convent and should leave".

At the same time, the nuns called the police. The notary was able to deliver the relevant notices from the court and the necessary "civil and canonical summonses" to the nuns, while the delegation provided information on how to proceed. The nuns would have two days to leave the convent. The archdiocese called the reception and the fact that the nuns had called the police a "hostile gesture" that showed an "unwillingness of the community to dialogue with the commissioner appointed by the Holy See and his team". However, the papal representative is still willing to "build bridges and find appropriate solutions".

Women religious should remain in the convent

However, the schismatic Bishop Pablo de Rojas assured the local newspaper "Burgosconecta" on Thursday that the sisters would not leave the convent in Belorado. He also confirmed the diocese's reports that the delegation that had travelled to Belorado and the notary present had "drawn up a protocol stating that each of the nuns had received a letter". They were also asked to return the keys to the convent within two days. However, the schismatic bishop of the former Poor Clares insists that the nuns will not leave. They will also bow to the judicial measures, but not to those of the archbishop, who was recently appointed pope by the Vatican. recently appointed by the Vatican as papal representative for the case.

There seems to be no end to the controversy surrounding the Belorado monastery, which has hit the headlines: Only recently, the Archdiocese of Burgos called on the schismatic Bishop Pablo de Rojas and the unofficial spokesman and spiritual director of the apostate nuns to leave the controversial convent, to leave the controversial convent. The diocese threatened to take legal action. In mid-May, the abbess of the Poor Clares caused a scandal in a public statement when she renounced the church on behalf of all 16 nuns. At the same time, they joined the schismatic bishop, who was excommunicated after an irregular episcopal consecration. The Order of Poor Clares in Spain and Portugal finally separated from the Poor Clares. One of the 16 sisters has already leftbecause she did not agree with the abbess's decision. (mtr)