Do not impose your own faith, oppose or convert others

Pope Francis advocates missionary work with sensitivity

Jakarta - For centuries, missionaries from Europe have proclaimed the Christian message in what is now Indonesia. Nevertheless, Christians are still a minority there today. Pope Francis sees this as an opportunity.

Published  on 04.09.2024 at 13:57  – 

Pope Francis has spoken out in favour of a tolerant way of proclaiming the faith in Indonesia. At a meeting with clergymen, nuns and catechists in Jakarta Cathedral on Wednesday, he said: "Proclaiming the Gospel does not mean imposing one's own faith or opposing it to others, proselytising, but passing on and sharing the joy of encountering Christ." This should "always be done with great respect and fraternal affection for all".

The Pope went on to explain: "Living out of fraternity means accepting one another and recognising each other as equals in our differences." This value is part of the tradition of the Indonesian Church. It can be seen in the "openness with which it deals with the different realities that make it up and surround it, on a cultural, ethnic, social and religious level".

Against the fashion of splitting and provoking

The Church in Indonesia allows "the contribution of all to be recognised and generously makes its own contribution in every context". According to Francis in his address, this is currently particularly important "in a world in which the tendency to divide, assert and provoke seems to be increasing".

The Pope also spoke at length about Christian charity and said: "As we know, compassion does not consist of handing out alms to brothers and sisters in need and looking down on them from above, from the 'tower' of one's own security and privileges." Instead, it is about "getting closer to one another, freeing ourselves from everything that could prevent us from bending down to really get in touch with those who are down and so lift them up and give them new hope".

Charity and the desire for liberation

This also means accepting "their dreams and desires for liberation and justice", caring for them, supporting them and working with them. In doing so, it is also important to include others and to "widen the net and the boundaries in a great, expanding dynamic of love", explained Francis. In conclusion, the Pope said: "What moves the world forward is not the calculation of interests - which usually leads to the destruction of creation and the division of communities - but love that gives itself away." (KNA)