Uniformity is not a goal of the Benedictines

Abbot Primate Jeremias Schröder: Do not understand tradition rigidly

Würzburg - Jeremias Schröder has been the highest Benedictine monk for a few weeks now. The abbot primate has now commented on his understanding of tradition. For him, rigid adherence to old things is the wrong way to go.

Published  on 07.11.2024 at 09:26  – 

Abbot Primate Jeremias Schröder has spoken out against a rigid concept of tradition. "Anyone who understands tradition as a rigid guideline has not understood much," Schröder told the weekly newspaper "Die Tagespost" (Thursday). For him, tradition means recognising that there are different ways of living the Christian faith.

Uniformity is therefore not a goal of the Benedictines, said the head of the order. Rather, as Abbot Primate, it is his task to ensure that "unity remains a reality behind the diversity", Schröder continued. The Benedictine tradition in particular lives from clear contours, which are, however, "paired with a great deal of humanity".

Jeremias Schröder from the German Archabbey of St Ottilien was elected Abbot Primate of the Benedictines in September. This makes him the highest representative of the Benedictine order with around 22,000 members worldwide for eight years. (KNA)