Klara-Antonia Csiszar helped organise the Synod on Synodality preparatory meeting

Theologian: Everyone realises that the Church in Europe is not doing well

Cologne - The European preparatory meeting for the Synod on Synodality also focussed on the crises facing the Church – and these are similar across Europe, says Klara-Antonia Csiszar. The Synod on Synodality in October should not just be about formal dialogue, she demands.

Published  on 04.09.2024 at 15:54  – 

From the perspective of pastoral theologian Klara-Antonia Csiszar from Linz, the Church is facing problems all over Europe. "Everyone realises that the Catholic Church in Europe is not doing well," said Csiszar in an interview with Cologne's "Domradio" (Tuesday). This was a result of the exchange between European Synod on Synodality participants at a preliminary meeting in Linz for the upcoming synod meeting in the Vatican in October. "The Church is increasingly irrelevant. There is a lack of youth in Western Europe just as there is in Eastern Europe," emphasised the theology professor. Everywhere there are problems with the next generation of priests and everywhere women have little or no presence in the church. However, there are various diagnoses and interpretations of the reasons for this crisis, which have been exchanged.

Csiszar also spoke in favour of a regular European church assembly. "That would help our continent a great deal," emphasised the Synod on Synodality participant. "Because what we are seeing at the moment, this social and church division, this divide, not even the communists could manage that." The theologian, who helped organise the conference in Linz, emphasised that such meetings are needed in order to understand each other better. "We don't have to learn from each other and always know what the other person should think, but rather find out together where our strengths, weaknesses, hopes, fears and joys actually lie," said Csiszar. Following the Linz conference, the Vice President of the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK), Thomas Söding, also expressed the idea of such a European church assembly.

In the interview, Csiszar emphasised the importance of conversations beyond the prescribed forms, such as over a meal or coffee, in view of the upcoming session of the Synod on Synodality in autumn. This is the only way to build trust. "If we only meet formally and can't actually go any deeper, it doesn't achieve much," said the theologian. "I am convinced that the process of moving from an 'I' to a 'we' is underway. If this hadn't already been evident in Rome during the first session, we wouldn't have this synthesis report." However, this process of getting to know each other must continue. When you come out of your own bubble and immerse yourself in the other person's world, this also influences your own decisions. "As long as I don't know the other person's world, it doesn't affect me." (cbr)